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Let's analyze all the astrological characteristics of Libra and Gemini to discover their coincidences and their shocks.
Read all the analysis and whether the conclusion is good or bad, remember that in any relationship the important thing is the enthusiasm and the desire you put into it.
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LibraDiplomacy, this is the word to define Libra. The search for the point of equilibrium, the tact necessary to not offend or leave anyone out of place. Esthetics is very important for Libra, because it is part of the natural balance that they seek for themselves and their environment, therefore the arts are always close to their life. | GeminiGemini, the great social being, loves to read, wants to know about anything that falls within their reach, to the point where they can become an apprentice of everything and master of nothing, as the saying goes. Self-taught convinced is a sere always in motion, looking for stimuli and people who enrich him as a person. |
Discover all the compatibilities of Libra with the other signs of the zodiac
Here are all its astrological characteristics, one by one:
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What is the better of Libra?
| And what is the best of Gemini?
What is the worst of Libra? She/he is indecisive, superficial and flirtatious
| And what is the worst of Gemini? Is superficial and somewhat liar
Element: Air | Element: Air |
Planet: Venus | Planet: Mercury |
Color: Green and light blue | Color: Yellow and gray |
Perfume: Hyacinth and berbena | Perfume: Oregano, hyacinth, rosemary, lemon and lily |
Metal: Copper | Metal: Mercury |
Gem: Sapphire, coral, lapis lazuli and jade | Gem: Topaz, tiger eye, aquamarine and crystal |
Weekday: friday | Weekday: Wednesday |
Polarity: Yang | Polarity: Yang |