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Capricorn is the tenth Zodiac sign and is it ruled by the planet Saturn.
First of all Capricorn is a Generous astrological sign.
In its annual journey through the elliptical or zodiacal belt, the Sun crosses this constellation approximately between 22 December and 20 January , and that is why we say that those born between these dates do so under the sign of Capricorn.
The main characteristic of the Capricorn astrological sign is that it is a social being. You need to feel part of the collective, with which you are usually respectful and capable of taking responsibility. Social status is very important for Capricorn.
What is the best of Capricorn? No doubt it's ambitious, determined and careful . But the worst is that it is pessimistic, shy and spiteful .
Capricorn is an sEarth astrological sign and attending to its astrological quality is a Cardinal or movable sign, being its polarity Yin
Constant and disciplined, they like to get to the heart of things while maintaining order and social structures. They care less about sacrificing their principles than their goals. Lovers of tradition, they try to preserve that as gold in cloth. Beings very interested in the past, in history, in their social structures.
Here you have some data to know better Capricorn:
Discover wthat other signs share with Capricorn its four main characteristics: